Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Last night my parents and a friend of ours were talking about weight problems... now i know that i have problems with my weight i'm too skinny (i'm 5'5" and weigh about 107) but it's just really hard for me to gain weight. other people have to watch what they eat so that they don't gain and i can eat french fries, hamburgers or whatever junkfood there is and still not gain...
The hardest thing about it is probably the stupid comments people make for example when i went on vacation 2 years ago with my best friend and her family they were constantly watching me eat and saying things like "if there was a lot of wind you would be swept away" and then laugh really hard... off course i cried because i can take jokes but they just kept going like it was my fault that i'm not perfect or look like some supermodel...
I really think that most people judge too fast.. when your skinny your anorexic and when your overweight you eat too much it's stupid because there are people who are skinny or overweight because they were built that way or on medication, gave birth, been sick it's not all just black or white... I guess society is part to blame, i mean come on how often is it that the people who look perfect get to star in the schooplay become homecoming queen win an oscar it's insane like being pretty is the only think that counts.
They're even movies about so called "ugly" girls/boys who were teased in HS or something similiar and when they showthem like 10 years later they all look perfects, like you can't be happy if your not... guess some people really need to learn that being pretty isn't everything and that nobody's perfect.
PS: Just needed to get this off my chest
Brandy blogged at 6:46 PM